
Tips to ensure your recruitment process is engaging and successful in acquiring the top talent in a candidate led market

The last 12 months have been tough for any business recruiting for new employees and today’s job market is no different. As Legal, HR, Finance and Accountancy recruitment specialists we are seeing job seekers receiving multiple job offers as well as a counteroffer from their current employer in many cases. As a result, when it comes to recruitment, it feels as if the ball is very much in the court of the candidates rather than the employers. So, with candidates having multiple options, what do you need to do to make sure you are the company that the candidate chooses to work for?

Recruitment Tip 1: Review Your Offering 

Review what you offer in terms of salary and benefit packages to ensure your offering is still competitive. Whilst salary is still very important, presenting a good benefits package can often be the winning edge over your competitors. 

Offer hybrid working and / or a flexible working pattern if you can. Remote / hybrid working is still sought after by professionals job searching today.Our recent survey found that salary, holiday allowance, and flexibility over hours and working locations are the most important benefits. To read more about employee benefits, click here.

Recruitment Tip 2: Job Adverts

Like the CV to hiring firms, the job advert is often where first impressions are formed by prospective employees. As a result, it is vital that your job adverts are clearly structured, sell your firm and the job to potential candidates. 

Make sure the salary and all benefits are clearly communicated on job adverts. As these are important to candidates, as well as role responsibilities and personal specifications. To read more about creating the perfect job advert to attract top talent, click here.

Recruitment Tip 3: Advert Response

Once you have candidates’ CVs, it’s crucial to be responsive.

  • Regardless of whether or not you want to take that candidate to the next stage it’s important to give feedback.
  • If you are looking to take the candidate to the next stage, we recommend to get back to them within 24 hours. In a job saturated market, the candidate could start looking at what else is out there and you don’t want to lose the candidate to another firm due to a slow response.

Recruitment Tip 4: Be Flexible and Responsive

Be flexible with interviews dates / times – if you can’t, be upfront with your availability to make it as easy as possible to schedule interviews.

Answer the candidates’ questions as honestly and quickly as you can. Being responsive and keeping the process moving is key to recruiting in a candidate short market.

Recruitment Tip 5: The Interview

It’s important to remember this is a two-way process.

  1. Prepare conversation starters and questions that will make the interview feel like a conversation.
  2. Consider what you want to know about the candidate, their experience and aspirations and use this as a basis for your conversation.
  3. Ask them what they know about the firm and add to this with anything else you feel is important for them to understand or that will make your firm stand out.
  4. Talk about the team and the culture, why do people like working there.
  5. Once you have gone through your questions and conversation starters don’t forget to ask the candidate if they have any questions.

Recruitment Tip 6: Feedback Post Interview

Feedback straight away or as soon as you can. Prior to the interview set a deadline with the candidate / recruitment agency to issue interview feedback. We recommend giving some initial feedback to the candidate / agency within 24 hours of the interview, even if the process is ongoing with other candidates. Giving feedback will “keep them warm” and engaged with your company. If you hang around for too long you could lose the candidate. In today’s candidate led market, it is likely that your candidates will be interviewing elsewhere too.

Even if it’s a no from your side, give thorough feedback. Candidates who don’t get any feedback will likely disengage and could be inclined to tell others about a perceived bad experience. In addition, giving clear feedback will help them to understand your decision and help them to improve.

Recruitment Tip 7: Timing and The Offer

Explain why you are making the offer and don’t just base it around their hard skills and experience, also include why you think they will be a fantastic addition to the firm.

Send the offer letter out the same day as you make a verbal offer. Not just a standard template, include some personalised touches as to how they performed. Make them feel wanted.

If you are using a recruitment agency, keep in regular contact with your recruiter. Respond to their messages as soon as possible. Even if you don’t have an update provide a deadline as to when you will be able to provide one.

Recruitment Tip 8: Keep Your Future Employees Engaged

Don’t forget that the candidate is likely to be made a counter offer. So, make sure your offer stands out and show the candidate how much you value them.

Once they have accepted your offer, keep in regular contact with them whilst they are working their notice. Send them a congratulations card / gift, and why not consider inviting them to any company events or taking them out for a team meal or drink. All of which will make their first day a little less daunting.

Get Specialist Recruitment Advice

If you have any questions or would like some direct recruitment support or advice from the specialist consultant for your geographical region and sector, please do not hesitate to contact us. Based in various locations across the UK, we are well-connected and are best placed to know the top talent in your area. Passionate about people, we always put our clients and candidates first, to initiate powerful working partnerships that enable businesses to flourish. 

Alternatively, find out more about us and our recruitment services.

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I’ve used many recruiters for finding legal jobs for myself and then when I set up my own firm for recruiting staff and I can honestly say that Eventus has been the best. They really have listened and have only ever put forward candidates that really fit into my company perfectly. They have helped my company grow and I would have been lost without their services. Can highly recommend this company. – Director of a Law firm