How to have a good first day of work …
Whether you’re just starting out in your career or taking the next step on your career path in a new job, it’s important to make the most of your first day. Here’s a few tips to help you excel on your first day:
Be punctual
Sounds obvious but this has got to be number one tip hasn’t it? Being on time is so important as it shows you are keen to start. It shows you can organise yourself. But more than that being late on your first day will just put you on a back foot from the start. Moreover, try to be a little early if you can.
Do your research
Get to know the company, the team and what your role involves. Researching ahead of time will help you to feel prepared and confident. A sense of confidence will come with knowing a little ahead of starting.
Ask questions
Ask as many questions as you possibly can. It shows you are interested and is a great way to learn and get to know the team. Never be afraid to ask for help. Your colleagues will be more than happy to answer any questions you have. It will make them feel great to be able to help.

Have a positive attitude
Bring enthusiasm and positivity to the office. Showing your team that you are excited to be there will make them even more excited to have you!
Be friendly
Be polite and friendly to everyone you meet, regardless of whether they are in your team. You may speak with colleagues from a range of different departments during your time with the organisation, so having a friendly attitude from the start is beneficial. On your first day, try to ask questions about other people, as this helps you to get to know them and feel more comfortable. Being friendly and open can also help others to accept you as part of their team more quickly.
Be authentic
On your first day, try to act as you normally would. The employer hired you because they felt that you were right for the job. So, don’t be afraid of showcasing your personality. Being authentic also helps other people to get to know you. Trying to act in a certain way can make you feel more anxious. Whereas being authentic creates consistency in how you behave and what other people expect from you.
End your day positively
Ending the day in a positive way prepares you to start your second day in a positive frame of mind. Try to say ‘goodbye’ to your manager and colleagues when you leave and thank anyone involved in training or supporting you on your first day. Even if you experienced issues during your first day, try to accept that this is inevitable in a new job and reassure yourself that things can only improve over time. This can make you feel more optimistic about returning to work the next day.
Give yourself a break
Don’t be hard on yourself if you didn’t perform as you had hoped on your first day. Starting a new job is always nerve-wracking. In truth, most people don’t perform their best on the first day of a new job. As there is often a lot to learn when starting a new job, even if you have experience in the role. In addition, your new employer won’t expect too much from you on your first day either. Your first day of new employment is often getting to know about how the company works, inductions and understanding systems.
Try and enjoy your first day: In the words of Sister Mary Laurette …
“To be successful in work the first thing to do is to fall in love with your work”
Further reading:
For more reading on tips for your first day at work, click here for help on preparing in the run up to and settling into your new job.