
How to show Appreciation to Your Employees

Continuing our focus on retention and engagement, one of the areas we believe it is important to consider is employee appreciation; Demonstrating that you appreciate your employees’ hard work and contributions to the company will have positive ramifications for both the company and your employees. By showing your employees you appreciate them, you’ll be rewarded with their dedication and loyalty.

The benefits of showing appreciation to your employees
  1. Increased morale:

    When employees receive recognition for their hard work, they feel personally appreciated. This in-turn improves their confidence and their enthusiasm for their job. Increased morale makes it more likely that employees stay at your company for longer.

  2. Improved engagement:

    Regular employee recognition and reward systems often incentivise team members to do their best. This leads to increased engagement at work and a greater sense of connection to the company.

  3. Better performance:

    When employees believe they will receive appreciation for good work, they perform better and increase productivity levels in the workplace. This can contribute to better results and business growth.

  4. Stronger company culture:

    Businesses that recognise employees frequently often incorporate appreciation into their company culture. This can create a positive work environment and a stronger sense of teamwork in the workplace.

So how can you show appreciation to your employees?

We asked our team of recruitment consultants what they would recommend, and this is our top 10:

1. Show your Sincere Appreciation:

Say thank you. A simple thank you can go a long way in making your employees feel recognised. Let them know that you see the effort they put in and appreciate everything they do. Simple right?

Big up your staff on your social profiles and websites – tell the world who you have working for you and why they are great. Sharing client testimonials and gifts is another one to show recognition and appreciation.

2. Listen:

Ask questions and actually listen to your employees. Show an interest in their lives. Ask them about what’s going on both inside and outside of work. Follow it up. Create opportunities for your employees to open up. Whether that be to yourself, or to another team member if they need support. Listen to and act on all feedback, whether it is good or bad.

3. Employee Benefits:

Review your benefits package and ensure that it is rewarding, and crucially motivating for your staff. Ask for their input, research the market, be creative! If you are unsure on what to offer your staff, or how to improve your employee benefits package, view our blog on employee benefits here.

4. Small touches:

In the land of email, why not send a handwritten note? Or a card thanking them for their hard work on a project. Buy breakfast occasionally. Do something unexpected to show appreciation. Acknowledging employees and celebrating their successes can help create a shared sense of purpose and dedication, as well as promote collaboration and teamwork. Check out on blog containing ways to make your employees feel valued here.

5. Shout about them:

Thank your team publicly and big them up on your social profiles and websites. Tell the world who you have working for you and why they are great. Sharing client testimonials and gifts is another one to show recognition and appreciation.

6. Regular appraisals:

Not annually, regularly (monthly). This will give you a chance to appreciate the work done by an individual. They will feel more valued if this is regular.

7. Offer flexibility:

Whether that be giving employees the option to work remotely or even simply suggested someone come in late the day after working extra hours. They will be quick to interpret it as an important signal of trust and appreciation.

8. Celebrate anniversaries and traditions:

Make sure you acknowledge work anniversaries and birthdays with a card or a mention in a team meeting. Make it known you appreciate their hard work and service for the past year. Consider long-service incentives such as increasing holiday entitlement. 

9. Ignore small mistakes:

Sometimes the best way to show appreciation is to give your employees leeway when they need it. If they make small mistakes, such as missing a project deadline by a few hours or neglecting a minor task, allow them to try again rather than reprimanding them. Taking this tact shows that you appreciate their hard work and that you trust them to do their best.

10. Offer Incentives:

Incentives are a great way to motivate, reward and show your appreciation to your staff. View our blog on incentives to recognise, motivate, reward and retain staff here.

11. Be Gracious:

If an employee does choose to leave your business, handle it with grace and decorum. It may well pay off in the long run, especially if the new role doesn’t work out. Plus, people talk!

Hopefully you will find the above ideas useful and take a few into your own organisation. We are confident that if you appreciate your employees regularly and effectively, you will see a huge benefit in return. So, be honest with yourself – do you regularly show your appreciation?

By Amy Watson, Legal Recruitment Specialist for the North East and Yorkshire.

About The Eventus Recruitment Group

The Eventus Recruitment Group are award-winning recruitment specialists in the Legal, Finance, Accountancy, and HR sectors. We have an experienced and knowledgeable team of industry experts, who can advise on your recruitment strategy and are passionate about finding the best candidates to help businesses thrive across the UK.

Our bespoke recruitment service will be tailored to your individual needs. We always take time to understand more than just your job requirements; we will get to know you, your business and company culture in order to provide you with an outstanding service that surpasses your expectations.

Our core values underpin everything that we do and guide us in how we treat our clients and candidates. To submit a job to us please click here, or get in touch to discuss your recruitment needs.

"Excellent service received by both Amy & Lucy. They both fully understand the businesses and the candidates we require both academically and culturally. They both always go above and beyond. 1st class service received."
testimonial image
John Doe

Does Psychometric testing have a place in Recruitment?

First of all, what is Psychometric testing?

Put simply, psychometric testing in recruitment is an aptitude test that uses a variety of different questions and tasks to measure a candidate’s suitability for the role. These questions can be set by the employer. Psychometric testing is a broad term and can include many subject areas. Recruiters use the psychometric test to help aid their selection of which candidates to process to the next level; assessing each candidate to get a clear picture of how they might perform and behave in the workplace.

Although this seems like a new concept psychometric testing has been around for well over 100 years. Tests administered back then were mainly personality tests. Over the years these kinds of tests have changed drastically and now look more closely at someone’s aptitude through more cognitive tests.

What are the benefits of Psychometric testing?

A CV can look great on paper, be ticking all the boxes. However, this doesn’t portray: the candidate’s personality; or how they will fit in with current employees; or how they will react to different situations in the workplace. This is where psychometric testing can be a game-changer in recruitment – now more than ever when more people are working from home. Hiring the wrong candidates can cost a company on average £11,000 per person, from productivity loss, time it takes for staff to become fully effective in their new role, agency fees, advertising fees, cost of equipment etc. Psychometric testing can aid companies to reduce this risk.

Can you prepare yourself for a Psychometric test?

Be clear on your task

Know what kind of test you’re being asked to complete. Don’t be worried about asking HR or the Recruiter the relevant questions before taking the test.


Your assessment will differ in length, structure & time limit. Make sure you know the format of the test to prepare yourself for the task ahead.


Refresh your knowledge. Depending on the role, some might use numerical tests. For numerical tests, it is sensible to revise mathematical concepts. For situational judgement tests, make sure you have read up on the company’s policies, ethos, culture & values.

Check your tech

Tests are usually completed online. Make sure you have all the right equipment you need to complete the test. Eliminate any tech issues so not to hinder timed tests.


You can find tests online to practice, a great way of getting to know the pace you need to be at for timed tests and for testing your equipment & internet speed.

Be Honest

Finally, when you start the test just answer honestly and try not to overthink the questions.

Why use it for recruitment?

I asked our management team here at Eventus Recruitment their views on psychometric testing and why we use it for internal recruitment.

Siobhan Courtney, Managing Director:

“Psychometric testing allows you as the employer to ask the questions around strengths & weaknesses to match up with your job specification for certain roles. Seeing how long it takes for a candidate to complete the test is also a good indicator as to how serious they are about the role.”

Jo Hood, Principal Consultant:

“During my rec 2 rec days I had many big companies use Psychometric testing. Some would use it as a tool for recruitment; but many would use it as a diagnostic tool and rule candidates out based on their answers at the very start of the recruitment process. I felt this was a bit too far as you could be missing out on good candidates. However, when used at the end of the recruitment process, just before the offer stage, it is a powerful tool.”

Amy Watson, Associate Director:

“I personally feel that when used to complement a wider recruitment strategy, psychometric testing can help employers make informed hiring decisions. But they shouldn’t be the sole basis to hire a candidate, or not hire them either! One of the predominant benefits is the ability to benchmark candidates against each other, and against a predetermined set of skills. By comparing results, recruiting managers are able to determine a group average and therefore see which job applicants stand out (or fall behind) for certain skills, rather than purely hiring on experience. Although this won’t necessarily decide which candidate is the best for the job, it helps eliminate those that definitely aren’t.”

I think overall we can see the benefits of testing for companies, it aids in reducing hiring the wrong people both professionally and personality wise (will these candidates fit in with your current employees). However, it should be used as a tool for the end of the recruitment process and not to rule out potentially great candidates.

If you would like to discuss psychometric testing and recruitment further, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to assist your business strategy in any way we can.

Written by Shelley Gilchrist, Resourcing Consultant for Eventus Recruitment Cheshire.


Why should you offer work experience within your firm

Why should you offer work experience within your firm?

So this is quite a personal one to me. Although that said I guess everything we write is based on our own experiences isn’t it. So maybe a bit of an obvious start to this month’s blog! Considering my fifteen-year-old son did his work experience for Eventus Recruitment a couple of month ago. So, here we go ….

Cynical about work experience

For some reason I had it in my head that the careers department in school sorted every students work experience out but apparently no such department exists any more. So it was left to each individual to source an organisation that would be prepared to take under its wing an impressionable 14 /15 year old year ten!

I can absolutely understand why this prospect would appeal and potentially terrify a lot out there! Whilst pondering my sons work experience I came to the conclusion that it’s a really delicate age to do it … I mean we are asking businesses to accept responsibility for teens, who in many cases look like young adults, can occasionally present as balanced, measured and able young people but essentially are children for whom the work environment is a completely new experience. And lets face it are going to need absolute monitoring and ‘babysitting’ for the whole week to ensure nothing catastrophic or irreversible occurs! So yes, I reached the conclusion ‘why would and should firms offer work experience?’

Learning curve for everyone

So yes safe to say that pre my sons work experience, I was a little cynical and somewhat sceptical about the whole affair!

Fast forward though and I am a changed woman … well in respect of this issue anyway. I am now a massive advocate and would encourage it whole heartedly for both parties – student and businesses alike. So, I can’t say that my son bounced into Eventus Recruitment on his first day of work. He had the usual 15-year-old assumption that he would be bored and did he really have to stay for the whole eight hours every day etc etc… I am sure many of you know the script! However, it soon became apparent that the whole contrast to the school setting, as in you could go to the toilet when you wanted and you could have a drink at your desk had caught his attention.

As the morning went on and he had been given an overview of the business and what everybody did and then given a real task that yes was absolutely going to benefit the office if done properly. I could see that he was thriving and indeed enjoying being trusted and treated as an adult.

Shared Experiences

During that first day I kept catching his eye and was unsure as to what he was thinking. It was only later that evening at home that he shared with me how it was odd seeing me in my work place. And in his words seeing how busy I was and how many different things we dealt with. I think that was a fifteen-year-old boys version of ‘respect mum’!!

As the week went we would discuss different aspects of work during the evenings and it was becoming obvious that this whole week had brought another dimension to our relationship. It was kind of feeling as if we had this shared experience and he had seen part of me that the rest of the family didn’t really see and I think he liked that. So yes, I know this is personal and I know not many are lucky enough, or indeed would possibly want their young adult to do work experience with them, but from an incredibly personal perspective work experience was an incredible thing for us!

Straight from my young adult’s mouth …
“It was so much better than I ever thought, it felt good to be trusted and made me see what a real day looks like outside of school.”

Our duty to educate

I just feel really strongly that we have a duty to give these young adults a peep into our adult world of work.  A lot of these children don’t enjoy school and find each day a struggle, so a little taster of things to come … the good the bad and the ugly can give them a little light at the end of the school tunnel.

It is also a fact that the skills these young people bring is not to be underestimated.  Fair to say that my son was of real use during his week with us. So much so, he has landed himself a few days work during the summer break.

By Jo Hood, Principal Consultant for Eventus Finance and Eventus Recruitment Cheshire.

About The Eventus Recruitment Group

We are award-winning recruitment specialists placing talented professionals within the Legal, HR, Finance and Accountancy sectors.

Here at the Eventus Recruitment Group, we offer realistic, honest and straight forward advice to both businesses and candidates, to grow your team or to enhance your career.

If you would like help hiring for a vacancy or are looking for your next role, please click here to contact us for a confidential discussion. We have offices in Lancashire and Cheshire and recruitment consultants based across England. This means we are best placed to find the top talent in your industry and location, as well as the top job opportunities.


How to Handle Interview Rejection

Definition of Rejection

So I started my preparation for this blog on interview rejection by looking at the word ‘rejection’. What does it actually mean and I found two interpretations of it…

‘the dismissing or refusing of an idea’.

‘the action of spurning a person’s feelings’.

Quite different takes and translations of the same word and somewhat representative of how, as individuals, we handle interview rejection. One quite transactional and matter of fact and the other very emotive and personal. To me that sums up how people deal with interview rejection. To some of us it’s all in a day’s work. Yet to others it’s deeply personal and hard to deal with.

The Recruitment Consultant’s role

As a recruitment consultant giving a candidate a no is most definitely the hardest and dirtiest part of our job. But also I believe it to be one of the most important parts of the process. If we are doing our job properly we have the opportunity to feedback to the candidate the true areas of concern from the client; the real reasons why they are in a situation of having to deal with this rejection. It’s our responsibility to relay this to the candidate in a candid, constructive, positive and helpful way, that will hopefully enable them to see it for what it is in a measured way. (The first interpretation of rejection) as opposed to a deeply personal matter (the second interpretation of rejection).

See it for what it is

I think, armed with the reasons why you didn’t get the role you are truly empowered. If the reasons where down to your experience not being quite right well that’s completely beyond your control. If it was something to do with your actions or behaviours in the interview well, you have the chance to change that in the next interview. One single interview is not the start and finish of the job-hunting process. For a lot of people, it’s a process, a journey that we get better at as we go along.

It’s also important not to carry any ‘interview baggage’ into your next interview, bit like relationships, I guess. Nobody wants to sit and interview somebody who is coming across as battered and jaded because they have had a few rejections. Let your positivity shine through. No shame in letting the interviewer know you were unsuccessful for a role. But let it shine through that it was probably for the best because it has got you closer to what is right for you and got you sat in front of them.

Positive attitude towards rejection

So, I suppose as with many things in life it comes down to having a good positive attitude about interview rejection. In fact, I would really like to call it something else because the word rejection is all wrong in respect of not getting a job. If we are doing a jigsaw and the piece doesn’t quite fit, we don’t view it as rejected; we just focus on finding the part of the jigsaw that does fit in don’t we? Same with job hunting. If the first ones don’t quite fit, we just keep looking until we find the right place, the right fit.

Written by Jo Hood, Finance Principal Consultant, Eventus Recruitment Cheshire.

About The Eventus Recruitment Group

We are award-winning recruitment specialists placing talented professionals within the Legal, HR, Finance and Accountancy sectors.

Here at the Eventus Recruitment Group, we offer realistic, honest and straight forward advice to both businesses and candidates, to grow your team or to enhance your career.

If you would like help hiring for a vacancy or are looking for your next role, please click here to contact us for a confidential discussion. We have offices in Lancashire and Cheshire and recruitment consultants based across England. This means we are best placed to find the top talent in your industry and location, as well as the top job opportunities.

Join our team

We are expanding and growing our teams in Wilmslow, Cheshire and Lancaster. We are looking for a Recruitment Consultant and Resourcing Consultant to join our Cheshire team and a Resourcing Consultant to join our Lancashire team. If one of these opportunities sounds like the right career opportunity for you, find out more about working for us here.

Alternatively, send your CV and cover letter to Amy Watson at amy.watson@eventuslegal.com.

Other interview related blogs you may be interested in:

Interview Tips.

Top questions to ask the interviewer in interviews.

I had a great experience with this agency. Jo, the consultant in touch with me for the job I have applied for, really made the difference and I do believe that her advice and assistance made the difference. Very professional, always available, 100% satisfied. – Milena, placed candidate.


Our MD Siobhan Courtney delighted to be finalist for Inspirational Woman Award

Siobhan Courtney, Managing Director and Founder of The Eventus Recruitment Group, is delighted to be a finalist for the Inspirational Woman Award at the 2022 Enterprise Vision Awards (EVAs)

Siobhan overcame cancer after being diagnosed with bone cancer in her left leg, when her first daughter was just 6 weeks old. After months of chemotherapy, she returned to work in recruitment to be met with comments like “Please wear your wig in the office it upsets people” or “You must take leave for your scans”. These were the main motivators for Siobhan wanting to set up her own recruitment business.

In 2008, The Eventus Recruitment Group was founded – the lifestyle business that Siobhan had dreamt of, offering flexibility for all staff. Initially all her consultants worked from home across the UK, but after requests she opened up the Lancaster office in 2019 and the Wilmslow office in 2021. This enables her staff to choose where to work – whether that be office based, home based or hybrid. Siobhan has regular conversations with her team about employee benefits to ensure they are rewarded and fulfilled in their work. Furthermore, Siobhan and her team campaign for improved working conditions and employee benefits in the Legal, Finance and HR sectors – the sectors the Eventus Recruitment Group specialise in.

Siobhan Courtney said: “I’m delighted to have been named a Finalist of the Inspirational Woman Award of such a prestigious awards ceremony. I would like to thank everyone who nominated me and everyone for the messages of support.

“I worked in corporate recruitment firms for many years and became increasingly frustrated by the unnecessary bureaucracy for flexible working and wanted to work for a business that reflected this. After being in discussions for 6 months with a certain “dragon” from Dragons Den, I decided to set up on my own to create the “lifestyle business” that appeared to be so looked down upon by the industry. Although it took me a few years to do it, I knew I had to do it to stop others being treated how I was.”

Outside of work, Siobhan is committed to fundraising for the Bone Cancer Research Trust and raising awareness of the rare cancer. She also speaks at conferences to promote Women Leaders after cancer and has just become a Non-Executive Director of the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce.

The EVAs award ceremony will take place at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool on Friday 23rd September 2022.

To vote for Siobhan to win, please click here.


How employers can support working parents

As any parent will tell you having kids isn’t easy! Throw in a career as well and the juggling act is real (although incredibly fulfilling). To finding childcare, arranging drop-offs and pick-ups, sorting after school club; the list feels endless! It can be an emotional time for any parent, from the moment you start to think about making the transition back into a working environment the guilt starts… Will they enjoy their Nursery? What happens if they’re ill and I can’t go into work? Who will they go to if they’re upset?

With 7 in 10 (73%) of families with both parents in employment, what can your employer do to help?


It has been spoken about many times but since the pandemic. It has shone a light on how hybrid working can really work for employers & employees. Showing flexibility to working parents instills trust and eases any obstacles that comes with busy everyday life. Cutting out commute times and being able to spend more quality time at home improving mental health is a win win for any employee or employer.

Flexible working hours

Speak to your boss about temporarily changing your work pattern, as long as you still fulfill your contracted hours weekly. For example, in the summer holidays to accommodate changes in your children’s schedules.

Keep talking to each other

Without doubt one of the best ways to support your employee is to talk to them directly to find out their needs. It is all too easy to assume that employees want a certain thing, but everyone is different and family needs are different too. It may be that from listening to your employees you can simply tweak an existing arrangement or find a solution that works for everyone and consequently assists them to demonstrate the already mentioned hard work, commitment and tenacity! So, employees speak to your employee. They might be able to adjustments for you, or it could be that you are highlighting something that is important to your colleagues too. Making it a better workplace for everyone.


Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. No good employee wants to disappoint their employer, unfortunately life happens and children are sick. Knowing your employer understands the situation can make these instances a lot more stress free.

Childcare support

Know what financial support you can receive. There are a number of schemes to claim money back and receive support. https://www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare to make sure you are receiving the right help.
Finding the right employer is key! Its hard enough leaving your loved ones, it feels even harder when you’re not reaping the rewards of feeling fulfilled in your job.

I truly believe that because Eventus Recruitment Group have such a strong ethos, they have made the transition for me so easy and effortless, I know I am a trusted and valued employee.

Written by Shelley Gilchrist, Finance Resourcing Consultant for Eventus Recruitment Cheshire

Article statistic source: Families and the labour market, UK – Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)


How to keep motivation high in the workplace

Ways to keep employees motivated in the workplace

The definition of the word motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviours. (verywellmind) There have been many studies over recent years as to how to maintain motivation amongst the team. High motivation levels will in turn improve output, which dependant on your business, can improve sales and/or retention of the team.

It’s natural for people’s motivation to decline occasionally. For example, during the colder darker months of winter, or if someone hasn’t had any time off work for a while. In addition, a person’s motivation will decline if they don’t feel rewarded for their work.

So, how do you keep your employees motivated in the workplace?

There are many ways to improve and keep the motivation of your team high. For me and for my team, below are the ones, I believe paramount, which I try to enforce daily.

Recognise great work

70% of employees say that motivation and morale would improve massively with an increased recognition from managers (Employee Benefit News). A simple “thank you”, or “great work”, goes a lot longer way than you may think. If an employee produces great results but their hard work isn’t recognised, why would they continue to be a high-performing employee?

Set realistic targets

Targets have to be SMART and achievable. Unrealistic targets can be the most demotivational aspect of any role. It is futile giving targets that absolutely cannot be achieved.

Celebrate Results

Make the person feel proud of their work not just with gestures but with words too. Here at the Eventus Recruitment Group we celebrate success individually by an “employee of the month award” and also team success events and prizes. We help each other if things don’t go to plan and always help each other to achieve our individual goals. Something that regretfully doesn’t seem to be the norm in this industry.

Take regular breaks

This is so so important. It is wonderful that my team want to stay in touch whist they are on annual leave, but it is imperative to “switch off” from work. We all need time out. Holidays are given for a reason. And, although I personally struggle at taking this advice, the results of genuine breaks are huge. Encourage full switch off with employees and team members alike.

Stay healthy

Easier said than done, and from someone who hasn’t had the greatest of health for many years, I know how important this is. Encourage your team to take a walk or exercise over lunch. We are lucky to have healthcare here, and the benefits are huge. We have very little sick records amongst the team, and activities in and around work are always encouraged.

Be Transparent

I am sure we have all worked for a business with closed doors and whispers. Include the team in the plans for the forecasting and (as much as feasible) the accounts. A team that is brought into all aspects of the business will be loyal hardworking and above all motivated.

If you have a motivated team, the business will flourish. Good teamwork is exemplary and “Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success.”

Employee Benefits and Incentives

I like to reward my team with enhanced benefits and incentives. There are lots of employee benefits and incentives you can offer to your employees to reward them and say thank you. Employee benefits include bonus schemes, life insurance and discounts such as Westfield Health, and enhanced annual leave.

Furthermore, incentives help boost morale in the workplace. For example, Employee of the Month, team days out or award ceremonies. For more ideas on incentives, view our blog here.

Written by Siobhan Courtney, Managing Director of The Eventus Recruitment Group

About The Eventus Recruitment Group

We are award-winning recruitment specialists placing talented professionals within the Legal, HR, Finance and Accountancy sectors.

Here at the Eventus Recruitment Group, we offer realistic, honest and straight forward advice to both businesses and candidates, to grow your team or to enhance your career.

If you would like help hiring for a vacancy or are looking for your next role, please click here to contact us for a confidential discussion. With offices in Lancashire and Cheshire and recruitment consultants based across England, we are best placed to find the top talent in your industry and location, as well as the top job opportunities.


How to know when it is the right time to move jobs

Even when you love your job and you’re happy with your current firm, we all have difficult days, even weeks. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it is time for a change of job. However, when those difficult days and weeks happen more regularly it could be time to take the plunge and start thinking about what else is out there to make you happier in your working life. So, how do you know when it is the right time to move jobs for you?

There’s so much talk about work / life balance and mental wellbeing but that isn’t just about managing your time and not spending hours and hours in the office or tied to your desk. It’s also worth considering whether the time you are at work makes you feel fulfilled and that you feel valued.

There are so many factors to consider when looking for a new employer. Salary and benefits being one of them, but also ensuring that the culture and values of the firm are a good fit for you. So, that you feel you are part of something that makes you enjoy your work.

Signs that it might be time for a career / job move

Here are some of the top signs that it is time for you to start considering making that change:

Spending Sunday dreading Monday

We’ve all been there from time-to-time. When we know we have a tough week ahead. However, if you are regularly feeling dread on a Sunday, then it’s time to start searching for something new.


Are you spending your afternoon thinking “Gosh it’s not even 3pm yet”? You’re waiting for the clock to strike home time and dying to get away from your desk? If that’s the case, then it’s clear you aren’t enjoying your time and work. So, what are you waiting for? Start looking at what’s out there as it is definitely time to get out.

Feeling stuck

Are you feeling that your progression with your employer is limited or you’re being overlooked with no genuine explanation? Then it could be time to consider other firms where there are real prospects for progression. (Don’t forget to ask about this in interviews too.)

You’re feeling unfulfilled

When you have skills, experience and knowledge that aren’t being used to their full potential it can leave you feeling unsatisfied and frustrated. Not to mention the fact this can limit your career progression. You could be stuck in a role or firm where your full potential may never be reached and that means it is definitely time to consider other opportunities.

When the culture / values don’t fit with you personally

The culture and values of your employer are so important as it impacts the priorities of the firm and how they achieve their vision. If this isn’t a match, then what you perceive as important and a priority may not be matched with your employers and things could become difficult. It’s so important to work with a firm whose culture and values are in sync with your own, for you to feel happy in your working environment.

How to get the wheels in motion and start job searching

Taking these indicators into account it’s then all about timing and making sure that you don’t jump from the kettle into the fire. Here are my top tips for when and how to get the wheels in motion for that change that you need:

Ensure your CV is up to date

An up-to-date CV is imperative so have it ready. Don’t wait until you find that perfect opportunity as you don’t want to put yourself under pressure. Better still, if you are working with us we will help you with your CV and ensure it looks top notch before we put you forward anonymously to any of our clients. 

Know what’s out there

If your skills, experience and knowledge are in demand then put yourself out there. There is no better time to look for a new employer than when the demand is high and supply is short.

In the legal market we are finding that there is remarkably high demand in specific disciplines. To find out more about the market in your area then get in touch.

Don’t wait for vacancies to pop up 

Work with a reputable Recruitment Consultant who can approach firms before they advertise.

Any Recruitment Consultant worth their salt will really want to understand why you are looking for a change. An even better Recruitment Consultant will ensure that they consider the law firm clients they have that are a good fit for you. Be that with regards to progression, culture, working environment or values.

When I am working with candidates I always spend time ensuring I understand what they like/dislike, what they are looking for in their next employer and what working environment works best for them. Even if the law firms that will be a good fit don’t have any vacancies, I approach them on a no name basis to see if they have any upcoming opportunities they could consider my candidate for.

Don’t switch jobs too often

Sometimes people have an unsettled few years and that isn’t too concerning for prospective employers. But if you switch jobs every year or two consistently that can be a red flag.

After 2-3 years in a role, where you have made an impact or successfully achieved your targets then it could be time to make a change. If you’re unsure what to do, speak to your Recruitment Consultant, that’s what we are here for. We’ll take a look at your CV and provide our honest opinion.

Strike while the iron is hot

If you’re starting to feel that things aren’t right at your current firm but you are productive and delivering results, don’t wait for things to take a nose dive. Feeling unhappy in your job can have an impact on your results so don’t wait too long. You want to be interviewed when you are feeling confident and at the top of your game. So, what are you waiting for?

Ultimately, you will know when it is time for a change and if you need some support finding the right firm and role then we can help.

We will help you with your CV, approach firms you have approved on your behalf on a no-name basis, help you prepare for interviews and manage any offers of employment. It doesn’t stop there; we will also support you with handing in your notice (often the hardest part for some of my candidates) and navigating through your notice period until you start your new role and settle in.

My final piece of advice is that you are in charge of your own happiness and destiny. Do what feels right for you and what will make you happier in all areas of your life.


Blog by Nikki Phillips, Legal Recruitment Consultant for Cumbria, Cheshire, Greater Manchester and Lancashire.

Tailored Career Advice and Job Opportunities

Here at the Eventus Recruitment Group, we believe that happiness at work is essential for everyone. We offer realistic, honest and straight forward advice to enhance your career. Our specalists can help you to find your next opportunity at no cost to you as a candidate. We recruit for all roles within the Legal, HR, Finance and Accountancy sectors. To view our latest jobs, please click here.

All our friendly recruitment consultants are experienced and are experts in their fields. Working with integrity and confidentiality, they will dedicate time to getting to know you and finding the perfect job for you. Get in touch for a confidential discussion about your career.


Cost free ways to maintain your mental health

With the ever-increasing living costs impacting our lives and our mental health, I wanted to have a look at ways we can maintain our mental health in cost free ways.

Speaking with my Eventus colleagues we shared our practical solutions and came up with some great ideas how to keep costs down.


This is the most obvious and proven way to help keep a healthy mind. There are so many benefits to walking and running. As well as being completely free, not only with the natural endorphins but the benefits of being amongst nature.

According to Bupa – “Being in or interacting with nature holds many of the same benefits as walking and exercise, such as improving your mood and reducing anxiety. After a long walk, you’ve probably noticed how much better you feel for it. In fact, seven in ten (70 per cent) UK adults say that being close to nature improves their mood. Being in nature, or even just observing it, helps you connect to the world around you. It gives an opportunity to empty your mind of daily stresses and tasks, and become present in that moment. Mindfulness is a wonderful practice, grounding you in the here and now; focussing on what you can see, hear or smell. Walking in nature is the perfect time to dial into your senses and notice how you really feel.”

Mindfulness Apps

You can get some great free mindfulness Apps to help with day-to-day stress and to keep on top of your mental health. Research from Carnegie Mellon University published in Psychoneuroendocrinology found that regular use of a mindfulness app can provide stress intervention when in a pressure filled situation. The study found evidence that smartphone meditation app usage reduces cortisol levels, as well as systolic blood pressure in response to stress.


According to exploreyourmind.com reading can help with anxiety and depression. “The therapeutic power of literature is amazing. When you’re invaded by sadness, anxiety, and stress, reading novels and poetry can transform your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.”

There are some great community book swap programmes around. Why not see if there are any in your area or start one today in your local town! Or join your local library.


Talk, talk, talk! A problem shared is a problem halved.  Mentalhealth.org reiterate how talking about our feelings isn’t a sign of weakness, it is part of taking charge of your well-being and doing what you can to stay healthy. You are not alone.

“Talking can be a way to cope with a problem you’ve been carrying around in your head for a while. Just being listened to can help you feel supported and less alone. And it works both ways. If you open up, it might encourage others to do the same.”

With 1 in 6.8 people experiencing mental health problems in the workplace, especially women in full time employment are nearly twice as likely to have a common mental health problem as full time employed men. (Mental Health Foundation)

It’s more important than ever to do what we can to stay on top of our mental health. Try out different methods of caring for your mental health and be consistent with practicing what works for you as an individual.

Get tailored Career Advice and Recruitment Support

The Eventus Recruitment Group are award-winning recruitment specialists in the Finance, Accountancy, Legal and HR sectors. We have an experienced and knowledgeable team of industry experts, passionate about finding the best candidates to help businesses thrive. Based in Lancashire and Cheshire, we have regional specialists covering the whole of England and Wales.

If you are looking for your next role or are recruiting, please get in touch here for a confidential discussion.

Tailored Advice

We support legal, finance and HR professionals in applying for jobs. Through finding suitable roles that fit your requirements and skills, CV writing and preparing you for interviews. Also, we handle any contract and benefits negotiations on your behalf.  Get in touch for a confidential discussion about your career. To view our latest job vacancies, please click here.

How We Work

We believe that happiness at work is a must for everyone. Above all, we will only ever place a candidate in a business if it is the right fit for both them and the business. So, you can be confident that we will find you the best career opportunities and best talent for your business.


Employee Attitudes and Behaviour Annual Survey

Our Annual Survey Is Back – Your Opinion Counts

We would like to invite you to take part in our annual survey. It is themed around your views and attitudes towards working environments and employee benefits. This research will enable us to continue to advocate for you, across all these areas.

Our consultants advise organisations on how to create positive working environments and company cultures, ensuring you are rewarded, satisfied and fulfilled at work. We constantly champion making improvements to employee benefits and reward structures, and your insights are integral to making this possible. We want to know what is important to you!

Can you spare 5 minutes of your time?

The survey is easy to navigate and will take 5 minutes to complete. Your answers will remain confidential. We will never share your answers directly with anyone and your response can remain anonymous if you wish. The general themes from all the responses will be used in our research and to campaign for improved employee benefits and working conditions in the Legal, Finance, Accountancy and HR sectors.

Survey Prize Draw

As a thank you for your input, you will be entered into a prize draw to win £150 in vouchers. To qualify for the prize draw you need to leave your name and contact details (so we can contact you if you win!). If you would prefer to keep your response anonymous, that is completely fine, just leave the contact information blank at the end of the survey and just press submit.

To complete the survey please visit https://survey.zohopublic.eu/zs/PgB8my.

Thank you again for participating. We look forward to hearing your views.


Work experience with Eventus Recruitment Cheshire

We were lucky to have James Hood – the son of our Head of Eventus Finance Jo Hood – join us for a week of work experience. And he kindly wrote this blog on his experience at Eventus Recruitment Cheshire…

James’ Story

“When I found out I had to do a week of work experience, I was unsure of what to do. When my Mum told me about doing it at Eventus, I knew I would get a good overview of how a business works. I was looking forward to the experience. On my first day, my Mum told me how her job works and showed me what she uses (e.g. LinkedIn, recruitment databases etc.). I ended up doing a variety of tasks, such as preparing CVs and looking for new candidates.  I enjoyed preparing CVs because I found it interesting to see the variety of jobs that people have, and it made me understand better how to set them out.

I also observed my mum making phone calls to clients and candidates, which gave me an understanding of what a recruitment consultant does to get their candidates a job.  I also helped to write job adverts from a client job spec. This was interesting because it gave me an insight into what companies want from an employee.

I have enjoyed my work experience and found it interesting because I never had really been in an office before, and I have enjoyed being in one.  I was surprised by how busy being a recruitment consultant is and now I understand how much hard work goes into the job. There are a lot of different things going on at once.

Overall, my work experience at Eventus has been very helpful, interesting, and enjoyable because it has given me experience and an understanding of what it takes to work at a business. Thanks for having me here.”

Thank you James. We enjoyed having you in the office. You did some great work and good luck with your studies.

Get tailored Career Advice and Recruitment Support

The Eventus Recruitment Group are award-winning recruitment specialists in the Finance, Accountancy, Legal and HR sectors. We have an experienced and knowledgeable team of industry experts, passionate about finding the best candidates to help businesses thrive. Based in Lancashire and Cheshire, we have regional specialists covering the whole of England and Wales.

If you are looking for your next role or are recruiting, please get in touch here for a confidential discussion.

Tailored Advice

We support legal, finance and HR professionals in applying for jobs. Through finding suitable roles that fit your requirements and skills, CV writing and preparing you for interviews. Also, we handle any contract and benefits negotiations on your behalf.  Get in touch for a confidential discussion about your career. To view our latest job vacancies, please click here.

How We Work

We believe that happiness at work is a must for everyone. Above all, we will only ever place a candidate in a business if it is the right fit for both them and the business. So, you can be confident that we will find you the best career opportunities and best talent for your business.

“I had a great experience with this agency. Jo, the consultant in touch with me for the job I have applied for, really made the difference and I do believe that her advice and assistance made the difference. Very professional, always available, 100% satisfied.”– Former candidate of Eventus Recruitment Cheshire.