Continuing our focus on retention and engagement, one of the areas we believe it is important to consider is employee appreciation; Demonstrating that you appreciate your employees’ hard work and contributions to the company will have positive ramifications for both the company and your employees. By showing your employees you appreciate them, you’ll be rewarded with their dedication and loyalty.
The benefits of showing appreciation to your employees
Increased morale:
When employees receive recognition for their hard work, they feel personally appreciated. This in-turn improves their confidence and their enthusiasm for their job. Increased morale makes it more likely that employees stay at your company for longer.
Improved engagement:
Regular employee recognition and reward systems often incentivise team members to do their best. This leads to increased engagement at work and a greater sense of connection to the company.
Better performance:
When employees believe they will receive appreciation for good work, they perform better and increase productivity levels in the workplace. This can contribute to better results and business growth.
Stronger company culture:
Businesses that recognise employees frequently often incorporate appreciation into their company culture. This can create a positive work environment and a stronger sense of teamwork in the workplace.
So how can you show appreciation to your employees?
We asked our team of recruitment consultants what they would recommend, and this is our top 10:
1. Show your Sincere Appreciation:
Say thank you. A simple thank you can go a long way in making your employees feel recognised. Let them know that you see the effort they put in and appreciate everything they do. Simple right?
Big up your staff on your social profiles and websites – tell the world who you have working for you and why they are great. Sharing client testimonials and gifts is another one to show recognition and appreciation.
2. Listen:
Ask questions and actually listen to your employees. Show an interest in their lives. Ask them about what’s going on both inside and outside of work. Follow it up. Create opportunities for your employees to open up. Whether that be to yourself, or to another team member if they need support. Listen to and act on all feedback, whether it is good or bad.
3. Employee Benefits:
Review your benefits package and ensure that it is rewarding, and crucially motivating for your staff. Ask for their input, research the market, be creative! If you are unsure on what to offer your staff, or how to improve your employee benefits package, view our blog on employee benefits here.
4. Small touches:
In the land of email, why not send a handwritten note? Or a card thanking them for their hard work on a project. Buy breakfast occasionally. Do something unexpected to show appreciation. Acknowledging employees and celebrating their successes can help create a shared sense of purpose and dedication, as well as promote collaboration and teamwork. Check out on blog containing ways to make your employees feel valued here.
5. Shout about them:
Thank your team publicly and big them up on your social profiles and websites. Tell the world who you have working for you and why they are great. Sharing client testimonials and gifts is another one to show recognition and appreciation.
6. Regular appraisals:
Not annually, regularly (monthly). This will give you a chance to appreciate the work done by an individual. They will feel more valued if this is regular.
7. Offer flexibility:
Whether that be giving employees the option to work remotely or even simply suggested someone come in late the day after working extra hours. They will be quick to interpret it as an important signal of trust and appreciation.
8. Celebrate anniversaries and traditions:
Make sure you acknowledge work anniversaries and birthdays with a card or a mention in a team meeting. Make it known you appreciate their hard work and service for the past year. Consider long-service incentives such as increasing holiday entitlement.
9. Ignore small mistakes:
Sometimes the best way to show appreciation is to give your employees leeway when they need it. If they make small mistakes, such as missing a project deadline by a few hours or neglecting a minor task, allow them to try again rather than reprimanding them. Taking this tact shows that you appreciate their hard work and that you trust them to do their best.
10. Offer Incentives:
Incentives are a great way to motivate, reward and show your appreciation to your staff. View our blog on incentives to recognise, motivate, reward and retain staff here.
11. Be Gracious:
If an employee does choose to leave your business, handle it with grace and decorum. It may well pay off in the long run, especially if the new role doesn’t work out. Plus, people talk!
Hopefully you will find the above ideas useful and take a few into your own organisation. We are confident that if you appreciate your employees regularly and effectively, you will see a huge benefit in return. So, be honest with yourself – do you regularly show your appreciation?
By Amy Watson, Legal Recruitment Specialist for the North East and Yorkshire.
About The Eventus Recruitment Group
The Eventus Recruitment Group are award-winning recruitment specialists in the Legal, Finance, Accountancy, and HR sectors. We have an experienced and knowledgeable team of industry experts, who can advise on your recruitment strategy and are passionate about finding the best candidates to help businesses thrive across the UK.
Our bespoke recruitment service will be tailored to your individual needs. We always take time to understand more than just your job requirements; we will get to know you, your business and company culture in order to provide you with an outstanding service that surpasses your expectations.
Our core values underpin everything that we do and guide us in how we treat our clients and candidates. To submit a job to us please click here, or get in touch to discuss your recruitment needs.