
Timely careers advice is rarely wasted, and if you’re thinking of a career change then The Eventus Recruitment Group are here for you to provide plenty of information you’ll be looking for.

How do you know if it’s time for a career change?

If you hate going into work every day — not just Mondays — or you get embarrassed talking about your job at parties, then you know something’s up. Or perhaps your personal circumstances have changed and a job with lots of travelling and time spent away from home is less appealing. Or more appealing. Maybe the outlook in your chosen career field isn’t great or you’re looking for more of a challenge. If you genuinely feel uncomfortable about what you do, it’s probably time to stop burying your head in the proverbial sand and make a career change.

The scientific way of working out what you want to do career-wise is not exactly rocket science: know yourself, know what’s out there, decide and act on it. What tends to put people off is the time and effort it takes to do it, not to mention the risk of giving up a safe job which pays its way, for the unknown. That’s what The Eventus Recruitment Group are here for. We’ll help you progress your next career move.

Know yourself

What skills do you have and what ones do you actually enjoy using? A useful online tool to help you think about your skills and attributes is Prospects Planner, where you can answer questions to create your own profile planner.

Know what’s out there

What sort of jobs are available? What opportunities are possible? The Eventus Recruitment Group can help answer these questions.

Look around your circle of friends and family. Is there anyone who does the jobs on your list or knows someone who does? Can they set you up with a coffee and a chat? Can you spend a day in their office observing what they do?

Decide and act

Now you know more about yourself and the potential options, you should have some ideas of where you’d like to get to. So how do you maximise your chances of getting there? Contact us and let us help you make your next career change. The vast majority of our appointments come from repeat business and we are seen as the “go-to” trusted recruitment partner for many firms across our divisions, which is something we are very proud of. We have an unrivalled track record in successfully recruiting staff and senior leadership roles. Likewise, our experience in recruitment is combined with the breadth and depth of our sector knowledge.

To discuss your career change contact the Eventus Recruitment Group

If you are looking for a new job in a legal, HR or finance profession, please contact us today and arrange a consultation. We provide a tailored, personalised service. Contact Siobhan Courtney on 07970 252772.

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