
Manage your career and map the future

Effective planning is at the heart of being able to manage your career. Assess your position now, decide where you want to be and then use your experience to hlep you map the best route for the future.

Success and happiness at work are rarely achieved by chance. Recognise that by taking a proactive approach to managing your career, you are more likely to realise your ambitions, do justice to your skills and stay in full employment.

Making wise choices

To make the most of all the career choices that face you during your working life, be clear about your goals, be alert to opportunities, and be quick to make key decisions when necessary. Effective planning will help you be prepared and focused, so that when you need to, you can make the right choices. Nobody wants to look back on their career at retirement and wish they had taken a different path or done things another way.

Gaining a sense of purpose

The most successful career paths have good planning, a sense of direction and clear milestones along the way. A career path needs to be flexible but it should always be structured. If you have a ‘map’ of your intended route, you can make sure that all the activities in your working life help further your aims and give you a sense of purpose. Managing your career does not mean closing your mind to luck and chance, but involves talking and thinking about your career in a methodical way. This will help you gain further insights and recognise any opportunities as they arise, so that you can make the most of them.

Making the most of your experience

It is rare to know from your first experience of work where you want to go next in your career. Often people find out what suits them over time, learning from their reactions to different positions, environments, roles and responsibilities. Actively managing your career will help you use all your experience effectively, so that you avoid repeating less successful events and maximise your satisfaction with your working life. You will be better equipped to foresee situations, make sensible, realistic plans, you will have more confidence and be clearer about your personal priorities.

Key takeaway points

  • A career can be likened to a journey, if that journey is to be a purposeful expedition rather than an aimless one, it will need to be managed well.
  • The degree of satisfaction you gain from your work is within your own control.
  • View managing your career as an exciting new project.
  • Give planning your career the time and effort it deserves.
  • Concentrate on career opportunities.
  • Be prepared to look back as well as ahead.
  • Taking control of your career encourages you to make the most of your capabilities so that you feel challenged and stimulated at work. Achieving career goals also brings a great sense of satisfaction.

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