
12 ways for organisations to support career development

In Human Resource Management (2008), Torrington Hall and Taylor write about how to support career development – an idea that combines how individuals personally manage their careers within and between organisations, along with the way in which such organisations structure the career progress of their staff.

They identified a number of supporting resources an organisation can provide to staff wanting to move ahead in their careers. These include:

1. Career exploration
Providing tools for self-diagnosis and supplying organisational information.

2. Career goal-setting
Providing a clear view of the career opportunities available in the business, making a wider range of opportunities available to meet different career priorities.

3. Career strategies and action planning
Providing information and support, such as what works in the organisation and what’s realistic.

4. Career feedback
Providing an honest appraisal of current performance and career potential. They then go on to identify the following activities that the organisation can provide in terms of support and resources.

5. Career pathways
A sequence of job roles or positions based on work content or abilities, through which an individual can progress and develop.

6. Fast-track programmes
An accelerated programme of development in which an individual moves around an organisation, gaining knowledge and experience within each area.

7. Managerial support
Active involvement of line and senior management in the form of direct feedback on performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses and improvement areas, often in the form of coaching or mentoring.

8. Career counselling
Carried out by dedicated, specialist consultants, either internally resourced or externally outsourced. They provide specialist help and advice on development issues.

9. Career workshops
Carried out as a confidential programme to help individuals:
a. assess strengths and weaknesses, values and interests
b. identify career opportunities
c. set personal career goals
d. develop action plans.

10. Self-help workbooks
As alternatives to a workshop, these provide structure and a framework for assessing development needs, identifying opportunities and preparing action plans. Many of these workbooks are made available online.

11. Career centres
Dedicated resource areas where organisational and external career information can be accessed. This may include a library, information on current opportunities, self-help workbooks and computer packages.

12. Assessment and development centres
Focused events designed to assess the individual’s strengths and weaknesses and provide feedback and development plans so that each can make the most out of their own potential. The outcomes of these centres are action plans for personal and career development.

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