
Meet Nikki Phillip who joined us on Monday 22nd February as one of our newly appointment Recruitment Consultants.

We interviewed Nikki to find a little more out about her and what she’s most looking forward to in her role.

Name – Nikki Phillips

Home town – Morecambe

Current location – Lancaster

How long have you worked in recruitment or what did you do before  this role ? – Most recently I worked as a Divisional Manager for a Washroom and Waste company but prior to that I was a Recruitment Consultant in the Engineering sector.

What specifically attracted you to work within Legal Recruitment ? – I had been keen to get back into recruitment and wanted to work in a specialist, professional sector. The variety of disciplines within the sector and the diversity within the day to day duties are a big attraction. Also after speaking to Siobhan and Amy I was super keen to join such a great team.

What are you most looking forward to in your role? – Speaking to people! The thing I like most about recruitment is speaking to people, with regards to candidates it’s all about finding out about what they want and their ambitions and with clients finding out all about their firm, culture and vision and values.

What areas will you be covering? –  Lancashire and Cumbria

One crazy fact about yourself that you dare share ? – I’m currently the youngest adult that lives on my street!

You can contact Nikki via email at nikki.phillips@eventuslegal.com

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