
I am a huge lover of LinkedIn, it’s probably the only social media site that I actually spend the time to sit and scroll through and really get involved in posts and post my own content etc.
I am not a huge lover of social media, I find Instagram and Facebook quite boring, but when it comes to LinkedIn, I love to keep up-to-date with what my connections are posting and really get involved.


I think it’s very important to use LinkedIn properly and really get the maximum benefit out of it, and so I thought I would share some really useful tips on how to make sure that you are maximising views of your posts and content and how to improve this.


Firstly, no matter what your profession, it is really important to build a good profile that looks professional.

Profile picture

Starting with your profile picture, always make sure that it is a professional picture. It shouldn’t be a picture of you posing with family or friends, or posing on a night out, but a professional picture where your face takes up 60% of the frame, and there shouldn’t be anybody else in the picture with you. Make sure you are wearing work attire in the picture also.


Your banner is also really important. If your company has a specific brand, then use this branding for your logo (get your marketing manager to do this for you if you are unsure), but make sure it is in keeping with your profile and ‘advertises’ you and your company in a professional way.


Your URL is also important and this can be changed. Changing your URL allows you to personalise your LinkedIn and then when connections visit your profile, it has your unique URL on show at the top which looks highly professional. For example, my URL is ‘LinkedIn/legal recruiter – Merseyside’ and this just allows my profile to be more direct and personalised to me.

About you

Your ‘About you’ section is the first chance to ‘sell’ yourself and your skills to potential connections. So make sure to fill in this section just including a few lines about yourself and what you do. It can be kept simple and just try and target it at whoever your target audience is. For example, my target audience would be potential new candidates or clients and therefore I would include a brief description of our company Eventus Legal and my specialist skills in recruitment and which geographic I cover.

What should I publish?

Next, it is important to think about what you publish and maximise the chances of your target audience seeing your content.

Rather than picking up on how many ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ you receive, LinkedIn focuses on something called ‘Dwell time’ which is the amount of time people stay on your posts and engage.
So, the idea is to post content that is going to stay on your platform for longer and as a result your content really needs to hold attention.

Recently, here at the Eventus Recruitment Group, we carried out a series of polls and collated data in from all of our connections. It was a really fun exercise and we will shortly be sharing all of the data collected, but above all, it was the best way to ensure maximum ‘dwell time’ on our platform and increase visibility across our network.
Polls get 10-30% more uplift time than just a regular post.

Posting pictures also gets more uplift time than a regular post and including videos on your post gets a 30-55% uplift on viewing time.
When posting videos, we have started including subtitles as it is handy to know that most videos are watched by people in the office ON MUTE. Therefore, subtitles ensure that the content can still be viewed, even with no sound.

LinkedIn statistics have found that out of our entire network, only 5% of connections will see a post, 5%!!!!
I have 5000 connections and it’s such a shame to think that only 5% will see the posts I put out, and therefore we really take the advice on board to maximise dwell time and post videos and pictures and any other content that will really increase our visibility.

Finally, a really great way to maximise viewings is to include links. But be sure to remember that LinkedIn doesn’t like it when you include the link in the actual post, the link MUST be in the comments section below in order for the post to reach more of your connections.


Other important tips to remember are:

  • Make the content interesting
  • Make it personal to you – people want to get to know the person behind the profile
  • Add a single image
  • Write as you speak, make it chatty and casual to encourage conversation
  • Tag any relevant connections or businesses into the post to maximise engagement
  • If using a hashtag, make sure to use a maximum of 3. LinkedIn doesn’t like it when there are too many hashtags used
  • Any videos need to be less than 90 seconds and include subtitles


Overall, LinkedIn is an incredibly useful tool for connecting with professionals across the business sector. It can be great for business development, building relationships, selling services, job hunting, learning…and much much more.


If you would like to find out more, or want any further information on any of the above, please do not hesitate to get in touch here.


Eventus Legal Recruitment


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