Our job takes up so much time. We spend more time with our colleagues than we do with our family and friends. So, when things at work aren’t right it’s incredibly difficult and can have a detrimental effect on our mental health. On top of this, job searching combined with the feeling of being unhappy or burnt out in your current role has its own unique challenges, making it one of the hardest times of your life. This is where we can help – to ease the burden of looking for a new job and so your mental health doesn’t suffer.
Why use a recruiter for your job search to support your mental health?
Be a Friendly Face
We are a team of positive, friendly recruitment experts, who understand the frustrations of being unhappy in your work and job searching. Above all, we have your best interests at heart and will be a positive force for change in your career.
Be a Source Of Support
We will guide you through the whole recruitment process and offer you encouragement when you need it. In addition, we will continue to be there for you once you are in your new role. As we always like to ensure you are happy and fulfilled in your new job.
Someone to Talk Honestly to
We are here around the clock for you to talk openly and privately to. Simultaneously, we will give you honest advice to enhance your career and to relieve any nerves you have during your job search; always maintaining the upmost confidentiality.
To take the burden of job searching away from you
You are not alone in your job search. We will manage the recruitment process on your behalf and will:
◊ Firstly, discuss your options with you and figure out what you want in your next job.
◊ Help you write and prepare your CV.
◊ Find suitable roles on your behalf and contact employers on a no named basis – only when we have your written permission.
◊ Arrange interviews and conduct preparation with you to make sure you are fully prepared for your interview/s.
◊ Issue feedback after the interviews.
◊ Manage the offer stage conducting any contract and employee benefits negotiations.
◊ Arrange a start day.
◊ And finally, we will stay in touch with you in the weeks leading up to your start date and once you are in your new role. This is to ensure you are settled and happy in your career.
Give you Back your All-important Time to Spend Doing The Things You Love
We will do all the hard work of sourcing new job opportunities for you. So, you can concentrate on enjoying your time outside of work and looking after your mental health. We are always here to help you in your career. Get in touch here for a confidential discussion or call 01524 34400. Experts in our field, we support professionals at all levels in the legal, HR, finance and accountancy sectors. Based across the country, we are best-placed to find you the top job opportunities.