
It might sometimes seem like an easy task to start a job hunt within the legal industry.  So you have started to think about moving to a new firm have you?  What other thinking goes with this?? Well the point is its not just thinking really it is doing as well, it is negotiating, sourcing contacts, making lists of the right sized firm for you, obtaining the correct point of contact, listening to biased pros and cons from friends colleagues who may of interviewed at said firms in the past and this particular list gets a lot longer.

We as consultants actually deserve the title, one that is thrown around loosely in the recruitment industry.  We do consult all day every day.  We become your team captain the day to talk to us about wanting to make a move to a new firm.  We lead you, we consult with you, with our clients.  We have long standing relationships with our clients and ones that have built up over decades of business development, networking and now result in trust.  We specialise in getting the best out of your CV, we do whats right for you and our client by getting that match desired by both parties.

Our clients tell us what they want to see on a CV, they tell us what they want from a candidate and yes of course we then eliminate some candidates and go find you.

One of many things that makes working at Eventus legal so satisfying for me is the honest and respectful way in which we all work with our clients and candidates.  Thankfully our leadership and management team at the helm have known how to employ the right staff to ensure that we all mirror this ethical way in which we all work on a daily basis.

We always give 100% to ensuring we have presented the best fit between both parties.  We are all driven by this, by that same satisfaction – we at Eventus want what is right for both Client and Candidate.  We are experts in our field and we are modest with this. For help with your recruitment or job search, click here to contact us.

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