Now then if only there were a straightforward simple answer to this!! I desperately wish I could present to anybody reading this blog a mathematical, fail proof formula to ensure a steady flow of first-class candidates. But sadly I absolutely cannot!! It’s the part of the recruitment process that haunts my insomniac riddled midnight hours!
All is not lost though because I do have a few practices that make me feel like I’m doing all within my power to attract candidates to my jobs …
For me this is without doubt the most effective, powerful and most simple way to attract candidates. If a candidate that has used you for their job search feels that they have had an honest, consultative, and effective experience, then they are going to be happy to recommend you to their friends and colleagues. When I analyse my candidate flow this is without question my main source of candidates. I also hasten to add that I often get candidates referred even when I have not placed the original source. If people feel you are treating them with respect, working hard for them and doing your best, they are happy to recommend you. The same applies to your brand. If your company has good reputation for showing loyalty to staff and treating them well, people will recommend you.
Referral Scheme
As a further incentive for candidates and employees to pass your details on. It’s a great idea to introduce some sort of financial reward. I think the most important thing here is to absolutely set out and define what is expected and what is deemed as an introduction. What level of engagement is classed as a referral – is it simply a name and number, is it a CV or a successful hire? There needs to be absolute clarity for all parties involved. You don’t want anybody expecting a referral fee that you are not aware of!!
Employee Benefit Packages
I talk to candidates on a daily basis, and I’ve seen a real shift in what employees want from their employers recently. Review your competitors and anonymously survey your employees to ensure the employee benefits you offer are attractive and sustainable. If you find your benefits are outdated, consider updating them to attract new employees and retain your current staff. We have a helpful blog on employee benefits that are popular at present in many sectors. Click here to read the blog on employee benefits to support candidate attraction.
Job Adverts
Job adverts are often the first thing that potential candidates see of your job vacancy. In addition, they are a huge deciding factor on whether people apply. If written correctly they will gain traction on online job boards. In-turn increasing the visibility and candidate attraction to your vacancy. It’s important all job adverts are professional and contain everything that a candidate would want to know about the job role and your company. Make sure your job adverts comprehensively cover the job role, experience required, salary, employee benefits and company information.
Use LinkedIn and all the social networking platforms
If you have a regular and credible presence on these platforms and have a good following then these are an incredible source of candidates. The key here is continuity. If candidates are familiar with you posting material, not necessarily just jobs but other valuable and interesting articles, you are seen as having a brand. Then when you post a job that is interesting to them, they are more likely to engage with you. These platforms can also be used for specific candidate searches. A great way to approach candidates and tell them individually about a role.
Speed up the process and always be slick
This is a key to a successful recruitment drive. The number of candidates that we lose because of delays when clients are slow at making their final decision. It’s important to keep candidates updated at all times and provide them with a deadline for feedback and a decision. It’s equally as important to be as quick as possible with the whole recruitment process. If the process is not dealt with in a timely manner, other agencies and businesses will swoop in and take said candidate. This may seem a really simple and obvious point but a reputation for getting things done efficiently is always going to be a winner.
It is tough out there to get good high calibre candidates, but they are absolutely out there. We just need to hunt them down and most importantly when we get them treat them like gold!
Blog by Jo Hood, Principal Consultant for Eventus Finance and Head of Eventus Recruitment Cheshire.
About The Eventus Recruitment Group
The Eventus Recruitment Group are award-winning recruitment specialists in the Legal, Finance, Accountancy, and HR sectors. We have an experienced and knowledgeable team of industry experts, who can advise on your recruitment strategy and are passionate about finding the best candidates to help businesses thrive across the UK.
Based in Lancashire and Cheshire, we also have home-based recruitment specialists in various locations in the UK. This allows us to be well-connected and to know your geographical area well. As a result, we are best placed to promote your jobs and find the top talent in your location.
Our bespoke recruitment service will be tailored to your individual needs. We always take time to understand more than just your job requirements; we will get to know you, your business and company culture in order to provide you with an outstanding service that surpasses your expectations.
Our core values underpin everything that we do and guide us in how we treat our clients and candidates.
To submit a job to us please click here, or get in touch to discuss your recruitment needs.
“I had a great experience with this agency. Jo, the consultant in touch with me for the job I have applied for, really made the difference and I do believe that her advice and assistance made the difference. Very professional, always available, 100% satisfied.”– Former candidate of Eventus Recruitment Cheshire.
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