
Can you move divisions in the legal sector?

This is a common question that gets asked around. The short answer to this question is “yes”, and I personally think this should be embraced all round. 

Sometimes in your career you may feel like you’ve become interested in another area of law instead. Switching legal divisions is an option if you find a different practice area more interesting, challenging, and fulfilling. This switch isn’t necessarily quick or easy, but with the right approach, can definitely be worth it.

Should I switch legal practice areas?

Before switching legal divisions, you should consider all other options offered to you, to make sure it’s the right decision. You will be starting again from scratch, so your choice may be questionable to hiring managers to begin with, if you don’t have proper reasons for your change.

Once you have considered your options and weighed up the pros and cons of a change of a sector change, now comes the harder part.  What area of law do you want to move too?

Tips for changing practices areas

Here are our tips for making an informed decision on which legal division to specialise in and getting the ball rolling:

Consider your strengths

Once you have settled on why you want to change your area of practice, you need to consider your skills, personality and aptitudes. If you hate confrontation or public speaking, then maybe litigation or crime is not for you. However, if you are compassionate and people centric then areas such as private client could be an option. Having self-awareness and thoroughly analysing your skills is so important as you want to ensure you make the right decision for yourself both professionally and personally. It’s time consuming learning a a whole new area of law and can be a challenge when you are further along in your career and have other commitments.

Speak to a mentor

After considering your strengths, you need to set up a thorough plan. If your current law firm has the resources for you to move legal divisions, perhaps approach a human resources manager or someone who has the advice about this big switch. Speaking to someone else shows that you are serious about the change and want to receive guidance. Additionally, if you are someone that has previously demonstrated acquiring new skills quickly, then you are more likely to be taken seriously with your change.

Learn everything you can about the new sector

It goes without saying that you need to find out as much as you can about the new sector. Time to hit the books, online resources, social media such as LinkedIn, and speak to people in your chosen sector. As with everything get the basics correct first. Understand the case law from an academic perspective to give yourself the best start possible.

Talking to someone that has previously switched legal divisions can help. Firstly, you can listen to their experience and understand the process of switching more thoroughly. Additionally, you can find out the best advice and tips to make the career switch go as smoothly as possible. They could also act a mentor or helping hand throughout the changing process.

So, in conclusion, can you move your legal practice area? YES! Just remember a fair amount of work needs to be involved. But, like other walks of life, hard work usually pays off.

Written by Simon Scott, Senior Recruitment Consultant for all Legal roles across South Yorkshire and East Midlands.

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