Get to know Nikki
Recruits for all legal roles across Lancashire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester and Merseyside.
How would you describe Eventus Recruitment in 3 words?
Honest, Open, Positive
What do you enjoy most about your role at Eventus?
I’m quite a social person so I love speaking to people, be that my existing clients, new clients along with all the candidates I get to talk to on a daily basis. It’s good to hear what makes people tick at work, what they enjoy about their role and of course finding the right people for my clients and the best law firm for my candidates.
I particularly enjoy making the call to a candidate to tell them they have the offer they were looking for on the table and calling my client to let them know it has been accepted. It is the best feeling when my client and candidate are delighted with the outcome.
How do you unwind after work?
I have a short drive home of about 15 minutes, so I like to listen to some music on my way back. When I get home, I always have a catch up with my little boy. We talk about how our days have been and then we make dinner before relaxing for the evening.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I don’t have any particular hobbies, but I absolutely love football! I love watching my team, Manchester United, with my son and my Dad, getting to Old Trafford when we can. My son also plays for a team locally and has done since he was 6. So, I love watching his matches and cheering him on from the side-lines!
I also love to cook; I can’t bake but I rustle up a great curry and a decent roast. So, I can be often found in the kitchen whilst listening to music and occasionally enjoying a nice glass of Sauvignon Blanc!
Top tip that you would give to a professional who is looking for a new career opportunity?
Be honest and realistic about what you want. This way you and your recruitment consultant can focus your efforts on the roles and firms that are right for you. Keep in mind the motivators for your job search. If you are moving due to lack of progression then say that – honesty is the best policy. When you are moving from one role to another you want it to be the right move so be clear about what you are looking for and don’t be afraid to communicate that. Of course, that’s what we are here for, we can help you with this and discuss your motivations for moving and your expectations with potential employers right from the start.
Top tip that you would give to a business to ensure a robust recruitment strategy?
Be responsive. The market is incredibly candidate driven and so if you are sent a CV and want to meet the candidate it is best to act quickly as they are often approaching more than one potential employer.
The same applies after interview, provide feedback as soon as possible. Even if you can’t make the decision the same day at least provide some initial feedback so the candidate isn’t left waiting too long.
We’re finding that those firms who are responsive are the ones who are most successful with their recruitment. It gives confidence to the candidates and they feel valued from the start.
What quote do you live by?
“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” JFK
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